16 Ways to Pray for Your Future Husband

Here’s a new blog I just posted on our other website, finallyone.com.

Finally One

16 Ways to Pray If anyone knows what’s it’s like to wait to find love and marriage, it’s me. I waited 39 long years of life to walk down the aisle. Trusting God during the long wait was sometimes extremely difficult. Some days, all I could do was pray. I started to realize that “all I could do” was actually quite significant. I found out later how God-led my prayers actually were, once God revealed to me who I was going to marry and what he was going through in his life when I chose to pray certain things. My prayers mattered; my prayers paid off. When waiting to find a husband and get married, it can seem like you are helpless and “doing nothing.” One of the best things to do while waiting is to pray for your future husband. To follow are 16 prayer points that you can focus on during your…

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3 comments on “16 Ways to Pray for Your Future Husband

  1. I always make a point to pray for my future husband because I never know what he may be going through and we both need God’s strength to help us grow into the husband and wife we need each other to be. At thirty two years old, I am a nursing student and a caregiver to elderly parents. I feel like God is using this time in my life to prepare me for the husband He will one day bring into my life (if it’s His will).

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